About the Book
American courts routinely hand down harsh sentences to individual convicts, but a very different standard of justice applies to corporations. Too Big to Jail takes readers into a complex, compromised world of backroom deals, for an unprecedented look at what happens when criminal charges are brought against a major company in the United States. For a longer description of the book, read this Q&A.
The UVA Law Library and I maintain detailed resource webpages with corporate plea agreements and deferred and non-prosecution agreements. I recently wrote a piece describing 2015 corporate prosecution data for Slate.
The book was published in November 2014 and is now available on Kindle. Book reviews have just appeared in Boston Review, FD, the Financial Times, Kirkus, NationalMemo, the New York Law Journal, the New York Review of Books, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Monthly.
Watch me discuss the book on C-Span's Book TV, covering the book forum event at the Cato Institute. Listen to recent radio interviews discussing the book on BBC's The Inquiry, Brian Lehrer, WINA, PRN.fm, and Virginia Insight. Or watch TV interviews with CNBC, Newsplex, and Inside Charlottesville.
You can read a Harvard Press Q&A about the book here and a Q&A in American Lawyer here. I wrote this piece for Book Talk at ACS and this piece for the New York Times "Room for Debate." The Economist ran a cover story presenting data from my work and quoting from the book. The Corporate Crime Reporter published an interview about the book, and earlier interviewed me about the book while it was in progress. The Wall Street Journal ran a story that described some of the data presented in the book concerning prosecutions of individual employees and officers of companies. The New York Times ran a story in Dealbook describing work with the UVA First Amendment clinic and the law library to locate sealed corporate prosecution agreements as part of the ongoing research. The New Times cited to data from the book in a story describing new investigations of major banks.