UVA Law professor Brandon Garrett delivers a chair lecture on his new book, "End of Its Rope," to mark his appointment as the White Burkett Miller Professor of Law and Public Affairs. "End of Its Rope" describes analyses of hand-collected national data on death sentences from 1990 to 2016.
At a student scholarly lunch, University of Virginia law professor Brandon Garrett discusses a draft chapter from "Too Big to Jail," his forthcoming book about how corporations are prosecuted. The chapter explores the complex and little-known role of victim litigation in corporate criminal cases through the example of the prosecution of BP after the 2005 Texas City Refinery explosion.
UVA law professor Brandon Garrett discussed his research on eyewitness identifications and best practices for police departments moving forward during an alumni board and council lunch at the Law School on Nov. 8, 2013. This video is an excerpt from his lecture.
Marco Simons of EarthRights International and University of Virginia law professor Brandon Garrett discuss corporate liability in U.S. courts for global actions. Their talk at UVA Law was co-sponsored by the Law School's Human Rights Program and the John W. Glynn, Jr. Law & Business Program.
An overview of the role of unvalidated and improper forensics in causing wrongful convictions and reforms to prevent injustice. With Brandon Garrett, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law and the author of "Convicting the Innocent."
False testimony from incentivized informants can cause wrongful convictions. Here, University of Virginia Law Professor Brandon Garrett describes how informants cause injustice and what we can do to prevent it.
False confessions have played a role in 25% of wrongful convictions overturned through DNA testing. Here, University of Virginia law professor Brandon Garrett describes the wrongful conviction of Frank Sterling in New York and reforms to prevent false confessions in other cases.